Massage Your Winter Cares Away

Minnesota winters can seem endless. The cold months drag on, we stay in more, clicking….. “Yes, I’m still watching” on Netflix. We eat more. We sleep more and exercise less. Yet our bodies have the same requirements as ever before.

What should we do? Goodness knows, we need to do something. As hard as it is to accept, binge-watching Netflix is NOT self-care.

Have you considered massage? It has a myriad of benefits. Here are five:

  1. It boosts your immune system. With cold and flu season in full swing, your immune system can use all the help it can get. Massage stimulates the immune system by increasing lymph flow. The lymph nodes and white blood cells work together to fight infection.

  2. It moisturizes dry skin. The oils and lotions used in massage moisturize parched skin caused by Minnesota’s frigid dry air.

  3. It lifts your mood. Winter can cause low mood or worsen depression. Practicing positive self-care, like massage, is a positive action that literally induces a change in hormones in the body. Cortisol levels (the stress hormone) decrease and oxytocin levels (the happy hormone) increase, causing noticeable change in mood.

  4. It improves circulation. When your hands and feet are constantly cold, it’s hard for your bodies circulatory system to keep up. Regular massage can help keep your extremities warm by bringing fresh blood supply and oxygen to the area which increases heat.

  5. It’s a stress reducer. Massage is an extremely relaxing experience. Many people even fall asleep! You’ll feel refreshed and restored to a new level of wellness afterwards. You may even experience pain relief.

Massage is very beneficial any time of the year, but especially in the winter months. Take some time this month to get your self-care in, and your wellness back on track.


How to Heal and Achieve Healthy Glowing Skin During Cold Winter Months